Friday, July 22, 2011

Double Vision

           It is FCA's vision in the USA and in the Dominican Republic to see the world impacted for Jesus Christ through the influence of athletes and coaches.  There is no doubt that my mission is to work to and through coaches in the communities.  Discipleship is the key.  Invest in the leaders (coaches) of the communities, and it will "flow" right into the athletes and their families.  All that being said, there is so much that needs be done here in Boca Chica and the surrounding communities.  Boca Chica in particular, has severe poverty, major crime that includes drugs, alcohol, prostitution and child trafficking.  Every day I drive through my new community and see a rough life.  It can be a bit overwhelming.  I feel at times like I am just a small person against a huge giant.  So much to do, so little time.  Right?
           Each day I drive or walk by the middle aged man that guards my house during the daytime.  His name is Valentine (Valenteen).  Almost every day I stop and take some time to get to know the nice man with the big laugh and even bigger shotgun.  Every once in a while we talk about important things like family or God. I think Valentine likes it when we get serious in our talks.  I believe that he probably does not get to talk about his faith a whole lot with his family or friends.  He told me the first week I met him that he does not attend church, but does read the Bible.  I asked after that first discussion if he would mind if I spoke to him about Jesus every so often.  He replied with a big smile and a "Si".  I like talking to Valentine because he is honest and is willing to hear what I have to say, even if it is in "cave man" spanish.  The first week we spoke to each other we would just say "Hola, como esta, adios, ext...  Now, three weeks later, we shout Gracias a Dios, Dios es bueno, Dios le bendiga, or vaya con Dios.  I love grabbing an ice cream sandwich from my freezer and taking a seat next to my new friend.  There's no doubt that God called me to the Dominican as an FCA missionary to spend a lot of time with coaches in order to multiple the Kingdom.  I am excited about our vision for the DR.  But you know what, I think He may have sent me also to talk to Valentine and invest some quality time with a new friend.  It's pretty neat, a wacky sounding yankee like me was sent to the DR to befriend a Dominican guard.  Who would have thunk it?  Not me.  Certainly not Valentine.

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