We wanted to list a few things that would be helpful when groups are coming down.  It is difficult and expensive to get things here, so it is best to get stuff to people that are flying here and have them bring it when they come.  Please contact us if you would like to get us something from our Wish List and we will let you know the best way to get it to us.  Thank You!

Biggest Need Now is: Spanish Bibles (NVI Version)
  • El Libro Morado, by Broocks and Murrell (Discipleship book in spanish) 
  • Any Christian movies that are in Spanish (other than Courageous/Facing the Giants)
  • Christian Books in Spanish
  • Copy Paper
  • Multiples copies of El Corazon de un Deportista FCA Devotional for Bible studies (click on title to order from FCA, item #7-CP-FC8038)
  • Photo Printer Paper for our Canon Selphy CP800 portable printer  Set of 3 or Set of 1
  • Spanish Bibles (NVI version Full with Old & New)
  • Old Cell Phones (Blackberries) (with batteries and chargers, preferably wall chargers)
  • Action Bible for Kids in Spanish at Amazon
  • Canon Camera Equipment - Jodi has the 60D - lenses, tripod, wireless shutter release, etc.
  • Wiffle Balls & Bats
  • Kids books in Spanish or English 
  • Beach Toys
  • Dunkin Donuts K-Cups for Keurig (any flavor)
  • Peanuts, cashews or almonds (lightly salted if available)
  • Canned Chicken
  • Hills Bros Cappuccino - Classic Cappuccino flavor - instant cappuccino
Gift Cards
Muchas Gracias!!